Are Electric Massagers Effective?

If you love getting a massage but think they’re too expensive, it might be good to consider buying an electric massager so you can enjoy a good massage any time you like.

Electric massagers are amazing because there are so many types available, which means you are certain to get something that’s perfect for your needs, regardless of what you were looking for in the first place.

If you’re asking yourself “are electric massagers effective?” The answer is “yes,” they certainly are, but there are disadvantages as well. Knowing what the advantages and disadvantages are is the first step toward making sure you get the most out of the experience in the end.

Not All Electric Massagers Are Built the Same

Electric massagers come in many different sizes, shapes, and designs, but they all have one thing in common – they are made with internal knobs that usually circulate and vibrate to loosen muscles and help you relax, but they can also relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and even support your digestive system.

are electric massagers effective

Cloud Massager

This foot, ankle and leg massager uses a deep kneading Shiatsu technique to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, stimulate muscle recovery, provide pain relief, or offer pure and thorough relaxation after a long day.

You can usually operate these massagers by plugging them in or inserting batteries, and most of them are made for your foot, neck, back, and shoulder area, since these are the areas that typically hold the most stress.

Some massagers have straps on the back of them, which allows you to place your hand inside the strap so holding onto them is much easier. Others are handheld and come without straps.

Either way, electric massagers are made to be both comfortable and very effective, but before you rush out and buy one, you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of these devices.

Advantages of Electric Massagers

Much like regular visits to a massage therapist, there are numerous advantages to owning an electric massager. Massagers help you feel better both physically and emotionally, and some of their many advantages include the following:

  • They can help you sleep better. 
  • They can help improve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). 
  • Most electric massagers are very reasonably priced. 
  • They are lightweight and portable.
  • They can be used while participating in another activity, e.g. listening to music.
  • They take up little space in most cases.
  • You don’t need another person because you can operate the device yourself.
  • You can save money on massage therapy services.

When your muscles are supple and you’re in less physical pain, you’re going to feel better psychologically as well, and this is perhaps the biggest advantage of using an electric massage.

For addressing specific muscle pain or using it as a regular maintenance measure, using an electric massager is never a bad idea, and it can keep you healthier and happier all around.

massage chair help back pain

Kahuna Massage Chair LM-6800

  • L-track, 4 roller massage system
  • Air-cell massage technology covers entire body
  • Space saving technology with 3 zero gravity positions.
  • Dual foot rollers on the feet area
  • Computerized body scan technology
  • 5 Manual Massage Techniques
  • 6 Auto Programs
  • Heating Therapy on lower back and legs
  • Adjustable roller speed and air cell massage up to 3 levels

Disadvantages of Electric Massagers

As with any product on the market, electric massagers have some disadvantages as well.

First things first, let’s talk about the pricing, as this might be one of the most important factors for a lot of people. While most electric massagers are very reasonably priced, some are in fact quite expensive.

The first thing you should do when you’re shopping for massagers is read reviews and compare prices so you can find the most reasonable one. And by reasonable, I don’t mean the cheapest. It’s really about finding the one that offers the best bang for your buck.

With the money talk out of the way, here are some additional disadvantages to using an electric massager:

  • It never takes the place of a professional massage service.
  • It might worsen things in certain situations; for example, if you have broken bones, clots, or lacerations.
  • It might have contraindications and potential dangers, so always read the instructions carefully before using your massager.
  • It can only target certain areas of your body, depending on the type of massager you pick.

Although electric massagers are safe for the most part, if you do have pre-existing conditions like mentioned above, or have experienced persisting pains in certain areas of your body, we always recommend you speak to your doctor first before getting started.


Now that we’ve determined that electric massagers are indeed effective, your next step should be to research the different types so you can choose the one that’s right for you.

Luckily for you, we have done the research for you. You can read all our electric massager reviews Here. If you’d like to read more informational articles, you’ll find them Here. You can always start with our Free Ebook that talks about beginner’s guide to massage and electric massagers.